Corporate Office : 153 & 155 South West Boag Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 600 017.
Date of Establishment : 15.08.1986
Contact Person : Mr.Ganesh Iyamperumal, Managing Director
Nature of the Business : Computer Education & Training
About our Network
- Biggest network of 431 training centres in southern India to the nook and corner
- Largest network of training centre in respect of student volume
- A Centre in the vicinity of every 15 kms.
- CSC – the only Institute having more Centres in a single state – Tamilnadu
About Founder and Managing Director

Mr T Iyamperumal, received his degree in B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore in the year 1976 and M.E. (Industrial Engineering) from Anna University, Chennai in 1982. He has about 26 years of Industrial and Software experience. He has developed Software packages for more than 200 organizations in general and Foundries in particular.
The main reason behind his success is sincerity, hard work, honesty, dedication, involvement in his profession and thorough knowledge and experience in the IT field. He is a soft natured person with a dynamic leadership quality. Another major contributing factor for the success is his concern for the students. He always says ‘students are our boss and we must satisfy them by giving very good Computer Education and individual attention’.
Focus on Middle Class
‘Boon for middle class’ is CSC’s slogan
Till 1980s Computer Education was a dream for the middle class families. Only the people with higher income could afford to train themselves in computer education.
In the words of Mr. T.Iyamperumal, the Managing Director, “CSC has demolished the myth of costly computer education. We cut the fees to affordable for needy students and let the poor class enter into the mystery world of IT industry. When CSC was started the competitors snickered at us. At such low fees they first expected us to disappear from the scene. But when hundreds of students started enrolling and CSC began to thrive, they pompously declared that the student couldn’t get the expected quality”.
CSCians however answered these fanatics in a diplamatic way.
Today, CSC never bothers about what its competitors have to say. CSC always keeps overheads low so that the cost involved in the courses are easily affordable by a middle class people without compromising on quality.
CSC’s mission is to open the floodgates of Career opportunity to everybody. As a part of its mission, it intends to take computers to the remotest corner of the Tamil Nadu.
CSC’s Service towards 10th & +2 students:
CSC is distributing 10,00,000 free question & answer book to 10th & +2 students every year to enable them to get good marks in their public examinations. Q & A books have been designed and prepared by eminent teachers from highly reputed schools. Every year CSC gets a feedback from student community that this book is quite useful to them.
CSC functioning as Tally Institute of Learning (Tally Academy Centres)

Eighty of CSC Centres are registered with Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd as authorised Tally Institute of Learning (Tally Academy) Centres. Tally software is picking up very fastly with a wide scope for job opportunities.
CSC-SOFTVIEW – Joint Venture
CSC-SOFTVIEW imparts training in Multimedia and Graphics, to more than ten thousand students and professionals, in the next financial year 2010-2011. New methodology is prepared by CSC-SOFTVIEW to remove classroom training and introduce 100% practical computer training.

The next phase of the mission of CSC is to provide job-oriented computer education and self-employment education programmes for the welfare of youngsters.
ISO 9001:2015 – Certification

CSC has obtained ISO Certification for its Quality Management System to design, develop course curriculum and provide computer training at an affordable cost, thereby increasing its credibility in the global market.
Our Vision
To be in the forefront of Computer Education and make emerging technologies reach the major segment of the society.
Quality Policy
Our Aim is to develop human resources according to the needs of the Information Technology industry by imparting training on the emerging technologies quickly and uniformly in all the branches at an optimum cost. We commit whole heartedly to satisfy the students expectations as well as to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System through planned efforts and involvement of all personnel.
Course Material/Design & Development
CSC’s In house publishing division, possess a research department. With a team of talented young professionals, CSC has been monitoring students feedback and adopting fresh innovative ideas on designing and development of course structure and curriculum. This division functions to render effective services to the students.
CSC has also a panel for development of syllabus and course materials according to the emerging technologies. With its In house publishing division. CSC has been establishing the excellent system for distributing in time by having inventory of course materials worth of Rs.1 Crore.
Staff Training College
CSC has the full-fledged staff training college at Saidapet with the state-of-the-art equipments to train its faculties and marketing staff. Such training programmes are continuous affairs in CSC.
List of Govt. Depts., Banks, Institutions, Organisations.
Sl.No. To whom training conducted No. of candidates trained
Govt. Depts.
1. Revenue and Survey staff 10100
2. Advanced training to R&S staff 824
3. T N Co-op Union Management
Institutes Students 21040
4. Tamilnadu Civil Supplies 110
5. Tamilnadu Co-op. Sugar Federation 125
6. Bharath Sanchar Nigam Ltd
Karaikudi, Tuticorin, Tirunelveli
Virudhunagar, Madurai, Tanjore
Tiruchi 1254
7. ITCOT 210
8. CT Staff Training Institute, Chennai 100
9 Central Instt. Of Plastic Engg & Technology 20
10. Director of Health Services, Thanjavur 12
11. National Airport Authority 25
12. Calisys Technology (P) Ltd [for PWD Staff] 600
13. DANIDA 34
14. Road Transport Office 895
15. Tamilnadu Adi Dravidar Housing and 2125
Development Corporation Ltd.,
16. ICDS Project 685
17. Tamilnadu Civil Suppliers 602
18. Indian Coastal Gaud 225
19. Dina Thanthi 74
20. Banks
1. Tamilnadu Apex Co-operative Bank 365
2. Madurai Dist Central Bank Ltd 40
3. Sivagangai Dist Central Bank Ltd 10
4. Vellore Dist Central Bank Ltd 40
5. Indian Bank 46
21. Government Career Oriented Project
1. Backward Class & Most Backward Class 2500
2. TAMCO Department 6000
3. ITCOT Rehabilitation of Manual Scavenger 2000
4. TAHDCO 2150
5. MoRD 2017
6. ICDS (Kishori Sakthi Yogana) 6280
7. SJSRY – Swerna Jeyanthi Sahari Yogana 8995
8. TNCDW – NULM 3650